full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Noah Wilson-Rich: Every city needs healthy honey bees

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Let me give you a brief rnowudn on how pollination works. So we know flowers, we know fruits and vegetables, even some alfalfa in hay that the livestock for the mteas that we eat, rely on plnlrtiooas, but you've got male and faemle parts to a plant here, and basically pollinators are attracted to plants for their nctear, and in the process, a bee will visit some flowers and pick up some pollen, or that male kind of sperm counterpart, along the way, and then travel to different flowers, and evulanelty an apple, in this case, will be produced. You can see the orientation. The stem is down. The blossom end has fellan off by the time we eat it, but that's a basic overview of how pollination works.

Open Cloze

Let me give you a brief _______ on how pollination works. So we know flowers, we know fruits and vegetables, even some alfalfa in hay that the livestock for the _____ that we eat, rely on ___________, but you've got male and ______ parts to a plant here, and basically pollinators are attracted to plants for their ______, and in the process, a bee will visit some flowers and pick up some pollen, or that male kind of sperm counterpart, along the way, and then travel to different flowers, and __________ an apple, in this case, will be produced. You can see the orientation. The stem is down. The blossom end has ______ off by the time we eat it, but that's a basic overview of how pollination works.


  1. pollinators
  2. fallen
  3. rundown
  4. nectar
  5. female
  6. eventually
  7. meats

Original Text

Let me give you a brief rundown on how pollination works. So we know flowers, we know fruits and vegetables, even some alfalfa in hay that the livestock for the meats that we eat, rely on pollinators, but you've got male and female parts to a plant here, and basically pollinators are attracted to plants for their nectar, and in the process, a bee will visit some flowers and pick up some pollen, or that male kind of sperm counterpart, along the way, and then travel to different flowers, and eventually an apple, in this case, will be produced. You can see the orientation. The stem is down. The blossom end has fallen off by the time we eat it, but that's a basic overview of how pollination works.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
varroa mite 5
urban beekeeping 3
colony collapse 2
called green 2
pollination works 2
huge grand 2
habitat loss 2
green rooftops 2
honeybee hives 2
bees healthier 2

Important Words

  1. alfalfa
  2. apple
  3. attracted
  4. basic
  5. basically
  6. bee
  7. blossom
  8. case
  9. counterpart
  10. eat
  11. eventually
  12. fallen
  13. female
  14. flowers
  15. fruits
  16. give
  17. hay
  18. kind
  19. livestock
  20. male
  21. meats
  22. nectar
  23. orientation
  24. overview
  25. parts
  26. pick
  27. plant
  28. plants
  29. pollen
  30. pollination
  31. pollinators
  32. process
  33. produced
  34. rely
  35. rundown
  36. sperm
  37. stem
  38. time
  39. travel
  40. vegetables
  41. visit
  42. works